Theory & Design

The Block Decomposition Method (BDM) approximates algorithmic complexity of a dataset of arbitrary size, that is, the length of the shortest computer program that generates it. This is not trivial as algorithmic complexity is not a computable quantity in the general case and estimation of algorithmic complexity of a dataset can be very useful as it points to mechanistic connections between elements of a system, even such that do not yield any regular statistical patterns that can be captured with more traditional tools based on probability theory and information theory.

Currently 1D and 2D binary arrays are supported, as well as 1D arrays with 4, 5, 6 and 9 discrete symbols.

BDM and the necessary parts of the algorithmic information theory it is based on are described in [STZDG14] and [ZHOK+18].

Algorithmic information theory

Here we give a super brief and simplified overview of the basic notions of algorithmic information theory, which we will need to describe the implementation of the package.

Algorithmic / Kolmogorv complexity (also called K-complexity) is defined formally as follows:

\[K_U = \min\{|p|, T(p) = s\}\]

where \(U\) is a universal Turing machine, \(p\) is a program, \(|p|\) is the lenght of the program, \(s\) is a string \(U(p) = s\) denotes the fact that the program \(p\) executed on the universal Turing machine \(U\) outputs \(s\).

The problem with Kolmogorov complexity is the fact that it is not computable in the general case due to fundamental limits of computations that arise from the halting problem (impossibility to determine whether any given program will ever halt without actually running this program, possibly for infinite time).

It is also possible to consider the notion of algorithmic probability, which corresponds to a chance that a randomly selected program will output \(s\) when run through \(U\). It is defined as follows:

\[m_U(s) = \sum_{p:U(p) = s}1 / 2^{|p|}\]

Algorithmic probability is important because it is related directly to algorithmic complexity via the following law:

\[K_U(s) = -\log_2 m_U(s) + O(1)\]

In other words, if there are many long programs that generate a dataset, then there has to be also a shorter one. The arbitrary constant \(O(1)\) is dependent on the choice of a programming language.

Unfortunately, algorithmic probability is also uncomputable for the same reasons as Kolmogorov complexity. However, it can be approximated in a very straightforward fashion, since it is possible to explore a vast space of Turing machines of a given type (i.e. fixed numbers of symbols and states) and count how many of them produce a given output and then divide by the total number of machines that halt. Details of how this can be done can be found in [STZDG14]. Thus, when exploring machines with \(n\) symbols and \(m\) states algorithmic probability of a string \(s\) can be approximated as follows:

\[D(n, m)(s) = \frac{|\{T \in (n, m) : T \text{ outputs } s \}|}{|\{T \in (n, m) : T \text{ halts } \}|}\]

Based on that we can approximate Kolmogorov complexity (via the so-called Coding Theorem Method) as follows:

\[CTM(n, m)(s) = -\log_2 D(n,m)(s)\]

This is the basic result that is used to define Block Decomposition Method.

Block Decomposition Method

The problem with CTM is that, although theoretically computable, it is still extremely expensive in terms of computation time, since it depends on exploration of vast spaces of possible Turing machines that may span bilions or even thousands of bilions of instances. This problem is what Block Decomposition Method (BDM) tries to address [ZHOK+18].

The idea is to first precompute CTM values for all possible small objects of a given type (e.g. all binary strings of up to 12 digits or all possible square binary matrices up to 4x4) and store them in an efficient lookup table. Then any arbitrarily large object can be decomposed into smaller slices of appropriate sizes for which CTM values can be looked up very fast. Finally, the CTM valeus for slices can be aggregated back to a global estimate of Kolmogorov complexity for the entire object. The proper aggregation rule is defined via the following BDM formula:

\[BDM(n,m)(s) = \sum_i CTM(n, m)(s_i) + \log_2(n_i)\]

where \(i\) indexes the set of all unique slices (i.e. CTM values are taken only once for each unique slice) and \(n_i\) correspond to the slices’ numbers of occurences.

Available CTM datasets are listed in pybdm.ctmdata.

Boundary conditions

A technical problem that arises in the context of BDM is what should be done if a dataset can not be sliced into parts of the same extact shape? There are at least three solutions:

  1. Ignore. Malformed parts can be just ignored.

  2. Recursive. Slice malformed parts into smaller pieces (down to some minimum size) and lookup CTM values for those smaller pieces.

  3. Correlated. Use sliding window instead of slicing. This way all slices will be of the proper shape, at least if the window is moved by one element at every step.

Let us show how this works with a simple example. Let us consider a 5-by-5 matrix:


























If the ignore boundary condition was used, only one 3-by-3 matrix would be carved out of it:










If the recursive condition (with 2-by-2 as the minimum size) was used, we would get the following slices:






















If the correlated condition (with step-size of 1) was used, we would get nine slices like:










but each subsequent slice would be moved by one to the left or to the bottom until its rightmost column or lowest row contain the values on the boundary of the original matrix.

The condition can yield different results for small objects, but are consistent asymptotically in the limit of large object sizes. Detailed discussion of boundary conditions in BDM can be found in [ZHOK+18].

Normalized BDM

It is also possible to define normalized BDM. First let us note that for any object of arbitrary size it is possible to construct analogous objects wit lowest and highest possible BDM values.

  • Least complex object. This case is trivial. It is enough to consider an object filled with only one symbol (e.g. a binary string of only zeros).

  • Most complex object. The maximum BDM value is given by an object which when decomposed (by a given decomposition algorithm) yields slices that cover the highest CTM values and are repeated only after all possible slices of a given shape have been used once.

Implementation design

The implementation uses the OOP pattern and follow the split-apply-comine methodology. There are two main classes:


Instances of this class contain pointers to appropriate precomputed CTM datasets. They configured by two main attributes: dimensionality of target objects (ndim) and number of symbols used (nsymbols). The class implements BDM in three stages. The first one is decomposition which relies on a particular partition algorithm object (below). The second one is lookup (CTM values for slices are looked up). The third one is aggregation, in which CTM values for slices are combined according to the BDM formula. This stage-wise implementation makes it easy to extend the package for instance with new partition algorithms and also makes it very easy to parallelize or distribute the entire process.


Decomposition stage is implemented by partition classes. They are instantiated with attributes describind desired shape of slices, step-sizes (shift) in correlated decomposition, minimum size in recursive decomposition etc. Partition objects are used by BDM objects during the decomposition stage.

See Usage for practical examples.

Missing CTM values

In some cases (especially for alphabets with more than 2 symbols) CTM values for particular slices may not be available. They are imputed with the maximum CTM value for slices of a given shape + 1 bit. This is justified because the exploration of the spaces of Turing machines is done in a way that ensures that missed value can be only larger than those that were computed.

By default BDM objects send warnings when this happens. However, this may be turned off:

# For a particular BDM instance
bdm = BDM(ndim=1, warn_if_missing_ctm=False)

# Or globally for all BDM instances

Block entropy

pybdm.bdm.BDM class implements also ent method for computing block entropy, which is useful for comparisons between algorithmic complexity and entropy as another measure of description length. Block entropy is just the entropy computed over the distribution of slices as produced by the partition algorithm.

Perturbation analysis

pybdm provides also an efficient algorithm for perturbation analysis. The goal of perturbation analysis is to study changes in complexity of a system under small changes. This makes it possible to identify parts that drive it towards noise (high complexity) or determinism / structure (low complexity).

For instance, it may be of interest to examine changes of complexity of an adjacency matrix when particular edges are destroyed (ones switched to zeros). Some practical applications of such analysis can be found in [ZKZT19].



Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil, Jean-Paul Delahaye, and Nicolas Gauvrit. Calculating Kolmogorov Complexity from the Output Frequency Distributions of Small Turing Machines. PLoS ONE, 9(5):e96223, May 2014. URL:, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096223.


Hector Zenil, Santiago Hernández-Orozco, Narsis Kiani, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Antonio Rueda-Toicen, and Jesper Tegnér. A Decomposition Method for Global Evaluation of Shannon Entropy and Local Estimations of Algorithmic Complexity. Entropy, 20(8):605, August 2018. URL:, doi:10.3390/e20080605.


Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Allan A. Zea, and Jesper Tegnér. Causal deconvolution by algorithmic generative models. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(1):58–66, January 2019. URL:, doi:10.1038/s42256-018-0005-0.